viernes, 18 de octubre de 2019


We've been talking about nutrition for a while and it is really interesting but it also requires a lot of study. Here you'll find different resources and activities to work on the systems we have studied this week.

As we said in class, nutrition is not only about eating. Nutrition consists of all the processes through which the body obtains the substances it needs to live. So in order to do these processes we use the following systems: Digestive System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System and Excretory System.

Digestive System

Here in this website you'll find videos and quiz to practice.

With this game you'll practice the digestive system parts.

And this video again, just in case you didn't watch it before.

Respiratory System

With this game you'll practice the respiratory system parts.

 In this video you will revise what we've seen in class.

Enjoy your weekend!