martes, 4 de febrero de 2020

Spanish Landscape (UNIT 1)

Hello everyone,

Our unit 1 is almost finished. In this unit you have learnt about the Spanish landscape. And you have to revise the unit for the test that we will have on the 18th of February. We have learnt that Spain has a very varied landscape and some of the Spain’s main geographical features. Also you have learnt about the territories that form Spain and identify the land and water boundaries that surround them.

It is also important to revise the Meseta's features, identifing and differentiating them. Also you will revise the main landforms that are found around and outside the Meseta and be able to differentiate between their characteristics and location. Finally, you need to revise the Spain’s two main depressions, the Ebro Depression and the Guadalquivir Depression, and describe the landforms found within them.

You have Anaya digital to practice and also these exercises:


Game 1
Game 2
Game 3 (Needs Flash)
Game 4 (Needs Flash)

Enjoy and study! 😀

Resultado de imagen de mapa fisico españa