lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

Mandalas are beautiful and relaxing!

Mandalas are beautiful and relaxing. They are an excellent way to focus your attention. I love creating my own mandalas. Now I'm drawing a thistle, I might finish it this week, If I finish it I'll send you a photo so you can see it.

This is your art, well done all of you!! You are doing a great job! I am still waiting for some of your mandalas, but don't worry, you have this week.

Miss you!!
Keep doing Art!

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Thursday, 26th of March SOCIAL SCIENCE

Here you have the answer for today's activities.


The Mediterranean basin.
The rivers of the Mediterranean Basin flow into the Mediterranean Sea. 
The main rivers are the Júcar, the Segura and the Ebro.
  • The Ebro: is the longest river in the Mediterranean basin. Its source is in the Cantabrian Range. Its upper course flows through areas where it rains and snows a lot. For this reason, it has the most abundant flow regime in Spain. Its main tributaries are Nela and Jalón.

  • Júcar: Its source is in the Iberian System and two of its tributaries are Moscas and Gritos

  • Segura: Its source is in the Subbaetic Range and two of its tributaries are Madera and Mundo.


Hello guys,
Here you have what I've just sent you by email.

Activity 1:
1. Watch the video of Tommaso and Greta doing an A2 Key for Schools Speaking test.

2. Read the examiner comments here.

Activity 2:
1. Watch Luca and Federica Video

2. Open Federica Grammar and Vocabulary document and read it.

Activity 3
1. Open the Grammar and Vocabulary document.
2. Watch the A2 Key for Schools Speaking test video Part 1.

3. Note down examples of what Asia does well and not so well for each of the questions in the comments box on the Grammar and Vocabulary document.

4. Send the document to me by email DEADLINE: 30th March 2020

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

Social Science Class: Wednesday 25th of March

Hello everyone,

Here you have the answers for today's activities


And a brief review of what you need to learn about the Atlantic Basin:

The Atlantic basin is the largest in Spain. All the rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean.
The main rivers are:
  • The Miño: Its source is in the Galician Massif. Its main tributary is the Sil.
  • The Duero: Its source is in the Iberian System. Its main tributaries are the Pisuerga, the Esla and the Tormes.
  • The Tajo: Its source is in the Iberian System. Its main tributaries are the JaramaGuadarrama and Alberche.
  • The Guadiana: Its source is in the Southern Sub-Plateau. Its main tributaries are the Záncara and the Cigüela.

  • The Guadalquivir: Its source is in the Subbaetic Range. Its main tributary is the Genil.

martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Social Science Class Tuesday 24th of March

Hello sixth graders!

Here you have the answers for today's activities.


Remember that a drainage basin is the area of land in which a river and its tributaries flow through. 

The three main drainage basin in Spain are the Cantabrian, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean drainage basins.

The Cantabrian drainage basin is in the north of Spain. It is the smallest drainage basin  All the rivers flow into the Cantabrian Sea. The main rivers are the Navia, the Nalón and the Eo.

The Atlantic drainage basin is the largest in Spain. All the rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean. The main rivers are Miño, Duero, Tajo Guadiana and Guadalquivir.

The Mediterranean drainage basin has short rivers except from Ebro. The main rivers are the Júcar, the Segura and the Ebro.

Look at the map!

We will look at Atlantic Basin in detail tomorrow!

That's the website that I told you this morning to play online and practice rivers and mountains too.


Now that we cannot travel, let's watch this video

Your teacher,

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

Natural Science Class Monday 23rd March

Hello everyone!

Here you have the answers for today's activities.


The unit is finished so study it, and revise all the exercises in your notebook. You have all the answers in the blog.
As soon as we have our online classroom set you will do an evaluation activity on the platform.
Take care!

Here you have something to entertain you, and relax!
Do one! Take a photo and send it to me, and I'll put them in the blog so your classmates can see it! Super important!! you have to write your name!

There are also options to color it using the computer if you want to try that, paint or photoshop. You can send it to me too.

Miss you!!

Resultado de imagen de everything is going to be alright

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

Natural Science Friday 20th of March Class

Hello everyone,

I hope you found today's activities easy and useful for your general knowledge.


Now you can watch these videos:

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

Natural Science Class: Wednesday, 18th of March

Hello everyone,

Today you have to read three pages in the book and do the exercises in your notebook. The content is easy, and you already know most of it in Spanish. So it won't be a problem. However, if you have any doubts, let me know writing me an email.

Notebook Answers

Here you have very short videos that are related with today's topic. I recommend you to watch them. and a great vocabulary activity. Do it!

Here you have an activity to practice Unit's vocabulary.

Enjoy your day

martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Social Science Tuesday, 17th of March Class


Following what I said in the email you will have to correct your notebook activities with the following document.


These are some interesting videos you can watch to revise the parts of a river:

Enjoy your day!

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

Natural Science: Monda, 15th of March Class

Hello sixth graders!

In the email that I sent you this morning you have all the information you need for your class.
Here you have the answers for the exercises that you have to do in your notebook.

There is also this video that you can watch to increase your knowledge on this matter. There are some images that are tough, but the doctor explains this subject so well that I think it's worthy watching it.

Miss you all,
Hope you are OK

Your teacher,

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020

Unit 4 Medical Science and Health.

Hello everyone,

As I have told you in class it is amazing how related our unit is with all what is happening these days. So, it is even more important to read carefully and understand what you are studying in unit 3.

In this unit, you are learning about medical science and health. In the opening double-page, you have learnt about medical instruments and basic first aid.

In the first part of the unit, you have learnt about health, and what can affect our physical and mental wellbeing.

You have looked at different types of diseases and injuries and learn about their symptoms.

These weeks you will learn more about different types of contagious and non-contagious diseases. You will understand what can cause them and how to avoid and treat them. You will learn about how contagious diseases can be spread. You will then learn how to look after your health.

Towards the end of the unit, you will read about how medical science and research have improved. You will learn how these improvements have helped diagnose and cure people who have different health conditions and diseases. You will also learn how important public health campaigns are.

Natural Science Friday 13th of March Class

Hi everyone,

In the email I sent you, I said that the first thing that you have to do in today's class is to watch a video to continue learning about infectious diseases: 

What are Germs? 

After that, you have to do the exercises in your Natural Science Notebook:

Page 65
What are infectious diseases?
5. Name four ways that infectious agents can enter the body.
What is a contagious disease?
What is a non-contagious disease? 
6. Name two contagious diseases and two non-contagious diseases.

These are the answers Correct the answers in your notebook. Use a red pen to correct the exercises.

After that you have to watch the following videos:

After reading page 66 you have to do the following activities:

9. Name two types of living organisms that can cause poisoning. 
10. Identify the possible dietary problems in the photos.

These are page 66 answersCorrect the answers in your notebook. Use a red pen to correct the exercises.

Send me an email if you have any doubts!