martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Social Science Class Tuesday 24th of March

Hello sixth graders!

Here you have the answers for today's activities.


Remember that a drainage basin is the area of land in which a river and its tributaries flow through. 

The three main drainage basin in Spain are the Cantabrian, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean drainage basins.

The Cantabrian drainage basin is in the north of Spain. It is the smallest drainage basin  All the rivers flow into the Cantabrian Sea. The main rivers are the Navia, the Nalón and the Eo.

The Atlantic drainage basin is the largest in Spain. All the rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean. The main rivers are Miño, Duero, Tajo Guadiana and Guadalquivir.

The Mediterranean drainage basin has short rivers except from Ebro. The main rivers are the Júcar, the Segura and the Ebro.

Look at the map!

We will look at Atlantic Basin in detail tomorrow!

That's the website that I told you this morning to play online and practice rivers and mountains too.


Now that we cannot travel, let's watch this video

Your teacher,