miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

Social Science Class: Wednesday 25th of March

Hello everyone,

Here you have the answers for today's activities


And a brief review of what you need to learn about the Atlantic Basin:

The Atlantic basin is the largest in Spain. All the rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean.
The main rivers are:
  • The Miño: Its source is in the Galician Massif. Its main tributary is the Sil.
  • The Duero: Its source is in the Iberian System. Its main tributaries are the Pisuerga, the Esla and the Tormes.
  • The Tajo: Its source is in the Iberian System. Its main tributaries are the JaramaGuadarrama and Alberche.
  • The Guadiana: Its source is in the Southern Sub-Plateau. Its main tributaries are the Záncara and the Cigüela.

  • The Guadalquivir: Its source is in the Subbaetic Range. Its main tributary is the Genil.